What is microblading?
Microblading is the process of manually creating hair-like strokes under the skin with a handheld tool and pigment rather than a machine. Where it is considered a form of tattoo, it is not as deep as a regular tattoo and doesn’t last as long.
Do I have to get a consultation prior to my appointment?
No a consultation is not mandatory unless you have previous work.
How do I prepare?
1 month prior: Avoid chemical peels and anything abrasive..
3 weeks prior: No botox or fillers.
2 weeks prior: Avoid facials, retinol, retin-a, products with glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyls, chemical exfoliants, eyebrow growth serum, or any brightening skin care products.
1 week prior: If you plan to Tweeze, wax or thread (I prefer you not so I can see your natural hair growth) then please don’t do it any closer than 1 week prior to your appointment. Avoid sun and tanning beds at least 1-2 weeks.
3 days: Tint brows (If you prefer a certain color)
48 Hours: Do not drink alcohol, take aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, turmeric, niacin, advil or anything else that may cause thinning of the blood.
Day of: Do not drink caffeine or workout (this can raise your blood pressure which can cause bleeding)
For any health conditions please reference bottom under HEALTH CONDITIONS
If you’re currently taking or have taken medication outside of over the counter medicine especially those that could cause skin sensitivity or excess bleeding, please disclose to me prior to your appointment.
If you have been on accutane you must wait at least 1 year prior to getting microblading.
What if I have a previous tattoo?
This is on a very limited case by case basis. If the skin is saturated with the previous tattoo or the skin has scarring microblading may not be your best option.
How many microblading sessions do I need?
A typical individual requires two microblading sessions to have perfected brows. However, some individuals only require one session and some can require 3. This is varies from person to person.
How will the shape be decided?
The shape is determined by the hair you have as well as your face and measurements. All brows are individualized. Prior to starting the microblading process, your technician will pre-draw the shape/size that will work with the measurement of your face as well the eyebrow hair you currently have and give you the opportunity to provide your final approval.
Does microblading hurt?
Your technician will do everything possible to make the process painless (i.e. applying topical numbing cream and top-ups throughout), however, pain levels vary by person. Some people only feel nothing or a mild scratch while others experience mild to medium pain (most commonly towards the end of the session).
How long does microblading take?
The total microblading appointment takes approximately 2 hours (numbing and pre-draw take 1 hour and the actual microblading takes 45-1 hour).
What do I do for aftercare?
Aftercare is essential for the most optimal outcome. This includes protecting your newly bladed brows from water, sweat and sun as well as using an aftercare balm such as grapeseed oil, or aquaphor to keep your brows moisturized. It is common for your brows to itch, peel and have some redness during the first couple of weeks. DO NOT SCRATCH, PEEL, RUB or PICK as this may cause scarring, instead gently tap to relieve any discomfort. For the first few hours blot gently with clean cotton pad. After a few hours apply a very thin layer of (Aquaphor) healing balm. 2 Days after the procedure you should start gently washing the area with a gentle cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, Dial for oily skin) by wetting fingers, rubbing cleanser between fingers & gently tapping it on the area. Gently remove cleanser by tapping a wet, clean cloth on brows. At this point you will gently tap dry with clean cloth and apply a very thin layer of balm with Q-tip. Repeat this process morning and night for up to 14 days.
How long will my eyebrows last?
Microblading typically lasts between 12-36 months but varies by individual and can be affected by the following: sun exposure, retinol, retin-a, chemical peels, or any aggressive skincare products. Also, those on the oilier side will fade quicker than those with dry skin. Certain health or skin conditions and medications can contribute to premature fading as well.
What is the healing process like?
Healing varies by individual but with many it is very mild with nothing more than a slightly darker brow than normal. You won't know the size, shape or color for 4-6 weeks. Those with more sensitive skin tend to have a more intense healing with swelling and redness which tends to go away within a week. It is also common for your brows to be too dark, larger than the healed brow, uneven, disappear for a period of time and look patchy at certain points. This is all part of the healing process. At 10-14 (you just want to make sure there is no longer scabbing) days you will be able to wear makeup if needed.
Can I get my eyebrows wet?
Initially during the healing process (between 1.5-2 weeks) you must avoid getting your brows wet other than gently washing as instructed. Once your brows are healed, it is perfectly fine to get them wet.
Is there anything that may disqualify or cause problems?
Yes. If you have certain medical issues or are on certain medications at the time of the procedure you may not be a good candidate or require a Dr note.
Conditions that disqualify you from Microblading: Some Autoimmune diseases, Epilepsy, Infection at the time of procedure, currently on antibiotics, breastfeeding, pregnant, Organ Transplant, heart problems or pacemaker, Chemotherapy within the last year.
Conditions that require a Dr letter: Anemia, Blood problems, Diabetes, Hemophilia, Liver Disease, Some Autoimmune diseases, Tumors, growths, cysts in the brow area as well as others that may not be included.
If you have a health condition and you’re unsure if Microblading is right for you, please consult your Dr.
Please let your technician know of any health conditions or medications you have had within the year prior to your appointment to ensure that you are able to proceed with your appointment.
Lastly, if you have any previous work i.e. microblading or a tattoo please make sure to send a pic or come in for a consultation so I am able to determine if removal is needed prior. Also, for old tattoos that I am able to go over an additional cost will apply.
Additional Information: Please be aware that the results of the procedure cannot be guaranteed. Results can also be affected by the following: Medication and Health Conditions, excessive bleeding during procedure, Skin Conditions - i.e. oily skin, very dry /flaky skin, sun damaged skin, loose/laxed skin, natural skin undertones, alcohol intake, smoking, general stress, immune system, poor diet etc.. and not following the aftercare instructions.